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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Journey as a Bikini Competitor.

I have been meaning to write a blog post about my journey becoming a NPC Bikini competitor. So here it is.

I decided to train for a show to see how far my body can go. Little did I know that wasn't even the smallest part of my training. Its' much more than just seeing how far your body can go. What about your mind? That's a whole different ballpark sister.

I started training about 9-10 weeks ago, which would put me at 19 weeks before my first show in October. (NPC Southeastern USA) I wanted to start early! I soon began to realize that training isn't easy. I figured if I could run a half marathon I could easily workout for 19 weeks and by then I'd be ready. I had no idea the time, effort, money and even energy that people put into to this lifestyle. So for about ten weeks now I have been on a meal plan and worked my butt off in the gym 6 days a week. I had a cheat meal once a week up until I was 12 weeks out, now its seldom but definitely needed every 2 weeks.

People think I am obsessed, and truth be told...I am. This process has changed my life and thinking forever. It has made me so strong, literally and mentally. Think about it..... I have been clean eating on a meal plan for ten solid weeks, and I still have 9 more to go. Its easy to push yourself at the gym, the hard part is controlling what you eat the other 23 hours of the day. Even though I have had some rough, and I mean rough, days through this prep I needed it as a person. I needed the discipline and I needed the energy. Not just anyone can train like I have for the past 10 weeks and I am proud of the person I have become.

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