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Tuesday, September 24, 2013


How come no one believes in going their 100% to anything anymore? It's advertised everywhere in quotes and magazine yet I don't see anyone giving their 100% to most things including me. I do exclude Olympic members and some famous people (like I know their personal lives haha) but I'm talking about full on honest, 100% to work, school, family, friendships and even relationships. Why do people start giving up? I've just noticed it lately about people's priorities in school and at maybe in families. Why can't everyone just be strong within their own skin and thank God for a brand new day to start over? Why does it have to be all complicated? Is it money? Or time? Why do people skip class or maybe bale on a hangout with their best friend? Maybe you're tired and you need some time for yourself, I get that. I totally you get that. But maybe that's where things get messed up. We start thinking about ourselves. I'm definite a winner in this category but I'm trying to change and think less of myself when it comes down to my priorities. What's important to me? What comes first? School? Money? Job? Family? Relationships? How can I keep my own personal feelings aside sometimes when I make plans or need to make plans? How can we all just stop for a second and think about others and what's important to them? 
How can I make others happy instead of myself for a change? 

-just a thought of the day.
-Sara xoxo

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