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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Proud of Me. Proud of Others.

So if anything this year has been a very surprising year for me. SO much has changed with family, friends, weddings, classes, living situations, and so much more. This post is about what I am most proud of for myself and my family. Last year for me was such a 'getting used too' period and not a real 'focus' period. So this year I decided to sit down with myself and focus on things I need most above things that I want most. I tried getting a job earlier in the semester so I could start raising my money up for Christmas presents and for summer semester here at Valdosta since I will be taking more courses to finish up my core classes :) YEAH! But anyway I did end up getting a job, 2 in fact but the main one is American Eagle and I am so fortunate to work there with the most amazing people I have met so far there. I am used to folding clothes till late at night and ultimately selling clothes, or camo (shout out for all you Bass Pro employees!!) Anyway, I have had so much fun there so far and I can't wait to keep working there after the holidays hopefully. Let's keep our fingers crossed! I am proud of myself for keeping something and working my butt off to let the employees there know I am worth this job and I really am a great worker.

Something else I am so proud of in myself is getting my grades up, they were never awful but they were never up to par for my Speech Major, trust me this major is not an easy thing to complete and this is why I kept my head in my book and took trips to the library and bought a billion books. I am especially proud of my A I have in my College Algebra class. I am awful at math but this class has really taught me so much and has really opened my eyes to the fact that I am so great at math as long as I believe I can do it. I am NOT saying I will take Trig or Calculus because I don't need them, but I will never say I am bad at math again.

Something else I am proud of is keeping myself fit and focused on my health and trying new options. Everyone told me that I would gain my freshman 15 in college but it never really happened. I did gain weight as in growing up weight, because I looked uber skinny for my age and how tall I am, but I eat very health.y and drink water like there's no tomorrow. I don't really eat sweets anymore and if I do it's in small portions, but my real weakness is pasta, obviously here's the Italian in me but I have to just down size all portions and really think about what I am putting in my body. Last year I used to eat pizza, fries and honey mustard all day long, but now I take a billion fruits with me when I leave the cafeteria and those are my breakfasts and my dinner usually consists of deli wraps, salads, homeade chips and/or the vegetables with the usual entre. So I have really changed alot with how I eat and its really made a difference in how I carry myself everyday.

Something I am proud of is not being too clingy to Richmond Hill, last year I came home so much (sometimes not my idea) but I still was a little homesick and this year I really was even more homesick but couldnt go home because of work, but it almost trained me to live on my own without having family which sounds so awful and sad, but I have major anxiety issues I just 'happened' to inherent and I have to tell myself sometimes that it's going to happen one day so I have to start somewhere. I miss my family dearly, and even though I am just three hours away most of the time I call them or they call me. It makes me appreciate them more then when I can see them every weekend and I am so very thankful for that.

And this is my Proud of Others Post, I am sorry if I forget someone. I am so proud of my mom, sister Katelyn and bro in law Chris for running the Matthew Freeman 5k run a couple weeks ago. I'm so excited that they finished and my mom got 2nd place in her division! And I am even more proud of my sister Katelyn because shes a beginner runner and she was so excited to finish and I know running is hard when you first start so congrats and I am so very proud of yall! I am proud of Amber for getting a job at Best Buy and Chad for finally making up his mind about being a Pediatrician, hopefully that sticks :) I am proud of Katie Gale for getting a job at H&M and having the guts to move all the way to Washington but I am even more proud that she has the heart to come back! I am proud of Kylie Bright for dealing with a sad death of her cute doggie and I hope everything is better. I am proud of Shelby Horan (MY BEST FRIEND) for moving all the way to Athens to start her life all over again and I cannot wait to come see the apartment! I am proud of Jessie Bene for being my best friend and having to deal with me because believe me, it's not easy. And I am really proud of my Dad for being a constant hardworker and loving me so much! And for Alex Browning for dealing with Eric having to be so far away, I know that's hard but true love is never placed on a map. I am proud of my two cousins Miranda #1, and #2, for yall both moving so far away and also starting a whole new life somewhere so different, but having the time of your life doing it. Erin Warren for being so strong, and honestly showing me that you don't need a guy to be happy, its so true, you are such a strong woman and I love getting phone calls from you because you make me laugh harder than anyone I know. And I am proud of you for going to grad school and you kicking it right in the arsenal. Congrats. I am especially proud of the Hardee family for having to deal with a great loss to their family and the Savannah community. A year later and you all have come such a long way. We love you all and hope you have a great day. I am also proud of all Vegans. Thats tough work and you al are so creative in the kitchen. Anyway. I am finally done. Oh WAIT to anybody working retail, I feel your pain and I hope you out of everybody has a great holiday season! It's going to be a great one :)

Love Sara


  1. You make us proud, Sara Elizabeth. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Love and miss you. -Mir.

  2. Sara, you're a sweetheart :) I'm so, so proud of you and all that you've accomplished this year, and you're so sweet to think of Eric and I. I hope your retail holidays are going as well as mine are! Love and miss you,

