I love blogging! I usually do it right before bed now, basically my final thoughts right before I go off in dream land! Well my semester started rough to say, starting off with enlarged tonsils (I know sounds gross) and this headache that feels like I just got shot in the head really hadn't made my first week back or second for that matter any easier. All my classes this semester are pretty hard, so you may not hear or read from me too much till May. ASL 4 isn't hard but I really want to try my hardest. Since ASL 3 put me in a cave for about 4 months has made progressing harder although it's still a strong passion of mine. It's sad that it's coming to an end for my class who has been together since Summer. I love those kids. But with a closing comes a new beginning which I am happy to share with all!
My new thing to start is learning another language. I KNOW CRAZY. I was never good at it but with this grammar course I'm taking and the structure of ASL it will make it easier I believe. Sooo drum roll.... It's French. Ive taken a French class in middle school which means I know half the numbers haha. And not only will I be leaning French I will be learning it in the one place I want to learn it... Paris France it's self. Yes I have big dreams and yes it will be a year away. I PLAN on going next summer abroad for five weeks. I'm super stoked.
I have a summer course to take this summer and not to mention my trip to Chicago with Chad and my family! Also we are going to Madison, Wisconsin for my cousins wedding! I'm so excited to go and be apart of their big day! Did I mention I love Traveling?? Well I do but I'm poor so traveling comes in pieces and lots of saving in hidden jars around the house. I have big dreams but one day they will come true. I have a good feeling about this one. Anyway here's my blog for the night! Goodnight or rather Bonsoir!
Xoxo Sara Beth
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