Sorry ahead of time for my small rant blog.
Im going to start by asking a question. Why do some (really stupid women) stay with men who don't love them? And when I say don't love them it's OBVIOUS. It's seriously one of my biggest pet peeves because half of the women out there give guys too much credit within the relationship rules. Relationships are 100%///100% that means both parties give 100%. (if you got lost)
-if you go to his house more than he comes to yours and he makes up excuses to not come over he doesnt love you.
-if it's the opposite and he stays at you apartment or house every night and doesn't help you with any payments for compensation and is just letting you pay for his living each month when he clearly is making more money Than you he is using you. Duh. Most girls don't notice or maybe just dont care and it's so annoying and then they complain about it later and it's because you don't freakin set down rules from the beginning. Maybe women don't care because they think it's like marriage. But let me inform you... Marriage is made up of two people and two incomes. Not one. (let me rephrase that "a successful marriage" has two incomes)
-if he breaks up with you before each holiday just to avoid giving you a present and has been doing it at least for the past three holidays... He seriously couldn't give a crap about you. Honestly this isn't love. Even if he couldn't afford something you don't break up with someone to avoid them. There have been plenty of time where Chad and I are broke when birthdays and Valentines days come around. What do we do? We sell stuff we like in return we get something our spouse would like. This is love people.
- I don't like when girls give themselves pity parties when they get hurt by a boy they knew from the start wasn't good. Once a cheater always a cheater. (85% accuracy)
-if he doesn't give you at least ONE day to just you and him and I'm talking about a WHOLE DAY of movies, dinner, fun then he won't give you the rest of his life. If he has to share a special day like your birthday or date night with something like fantasy football or trivia night with the guys , he doesn't think you're special enough to give all that up for one day.
- if he has cheated on you, he doesn't love you PERIOD. There's no excuse. You can try to make one up and if you do you are only trying to protect yourself which won't work in the end. Again, once a cheater always a cheater.
- if he doesn't "claim" you to be his he doesn't want you. This is going to sound so lame but if you won't commit to you on Facebook he won't ever commit to you and that's because Facebook is so little in life that if he can't take a small step like that he won't ever introduce you to his mother. It's a different story if he doesn't have a Facebook, then he's just weird.
- if you have a problem don't text because boys hate it and it will blow up in your face. At least if you are guilty to at least one of these posts above it will. If so far you've passed I'm sure you could argue your way properly, and yes there is a proper way to argue over text to make you win overall. You want to be in control when arguing.
- if your parents don't like him it's a sign. this is huge. If your own family can't see what a "prince" this doof is than no one will. If you have a good relationship with your parents than follow this rule because they won't steer you wrong.
Now it's time for advice.
If you think you truly love this boy and they are at least 3 of the above you should let him go and let him grow up a bit before committing to you, someone who is ready. Mostly because if you're ready and he's not you're setting yourself up for failure. If its meant to be it will happen, but when he grows up and sees how important you are. when he comes back to you in the future YOU will be in control.
- if dogs don't like him, the dogs sense evil lol. I'm not kidding. If the dog doesn't like him you shouldn't like him.
- if nobody likes him that should be your hint.
- keep this in mind: you only give so many chances until you are no longer in control after 3 chances you are victim begging to stay with him. Remember 100/100%.
What you should expect to see in a healthy, respectable relationship:
- unexpectedly made lunch, dinner.
- one day a week designated to you guys where it's actually just you guys.
- his mom should know about you and like you. If she doesn't like you something could be wrong with you. Lol
- if he has a Facebook and is on it all the time you should be on his page as well written right by the words: Relationship with (this doesn't really count for old people: no offense)
-if he has a job and offers to pay for not just dinner but maybe gas money or a Sunday froyo. He doesn't necessarily have to pay he just needs to offer.
- don't bring up marriage or kids first. You don't wanna seem desperate or weird especially if you just started dating, it scares them off so let them bring it up first. And hide the list of baby names in your phone.
Sorry for this tiny rant.
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