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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


For all the people who have ever been harrassed by people, or ex-boyfriends I feel your pain. This blog is about being calm in dramatic situations. You just have to think positive and realize that your life is so much better than theirs in so many ways. I for once have move out of my house and went to school and met the best boyfriend ever, and I seriously can not wait to be with him and share so many more memories. I have plans for the rest of my life and I live so crazily and I have fun. You only have one life and you have to remember that your life doesn't include those people that harrass you. Some good advice is to block them from everything you possibly can. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, or even your phone. I personally have had people blocked from my phone number because it got too crazy to handle people who can't ever let go of things in the past. You know? People Harrass you because they aren't happy with their life and you have to have enough courage to forget about them. And when I say forget, I really mean as if they never existed. That includes throwing away anything or anything ever written needs to be in the trash immediately. People have hard times letting go but for me its an easy process. Give me two hours with my ipod and I am good. For other it takes years...these people are the harrassers. Don't be one. EVER. It only leads to restraining orders or even jail. So be happy with your life and forgive and forget otherwise you become a worthless loser who just sits around doing nothing but harrassing and thats not cool. Hopefully this helps someone out there with a problem like me. I hope for nothing but the best for everyone and once again have a great Wednesday!

Love Sara

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