I do not like calling my "list of things to do before I die" a "Bucket List" but for the sake of my blog and my blog's title, here is my "Bucket List". I am going to start by saying I have only shared this with a couple a people and my mom so it is kind of personal. It took me a while to really think about putting it up on here but hey I don't mind, and what if my house catches on fire and I lose it. So here my "back-up" version. I also have completed many of these tasks or I am in the process of completing them and I also add on something usually each year, that way I am never done. Oh and I started this list in 2008 (I wrote the date on my paper)
My Bucket List
1) Live in India, South America, or South Africa for a whole year
2) Visit an orphanage
3) Do missionary work in Peru
4) Meet or see the Pope in person
5) Meet a Holocaust victim
6) Read all the books in the Bible
7)Befriend someone I do not like
8) Strattle a State line and not get run over
9) Wear my mother's veil at my wedding, or a replica
10) Become an abolitionist
11) Name one of my kids after someone I admire
12) Save a dog from a pound
13) Fight for a cause
14) Trace my roots
15) Experience Weightlessness
16) Run a Marathon
17) Conquer a fear
18) go skydiving
19) go bungee jumping
20) Sing in front of a crowd
21) Fall in Love
22) Go to the place where you can be in four states at once
23) Go to an Alabama Game
24) Watch a launch of a Space Shuttle
25) Learn how to take a compliment
26) scuba dive off of Austrailia's Great Barrier Reef
27) Ride a hott air balloon in Africa
28) Lose more than I can afford in Vegas
29) Spend more than half a day at a concentration camp
30) Reflect on my greatest weakness and realize that it is actually my greatest strength
31) Walk on hot coals
32) Swim with sharks....with out a cage.
33) Learn a different language (sign language)
34) Get my fortune told
35) Get a freckle tattoo on my arm to complete my little dipper.
36) Ride an elephant in India
37) Ride a camel in a desert.
38) Visit my relatives in Italy
39) Start a family
So far, this is what I have. I have completed about 6 of these and I have a whole lot more to go! That is what keeps my life entertaining! Hopefully this makes all of you reading this about what you live for and what you do to keep your life entertained and fun! I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
Love Sara
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