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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What I've Been Up To Lately!

In one of my previous blogs I wrote about my good will finds and how I totally "revamped" my fish tank, and it turned out great, but I decided to go one step further and add some few touches that really ade it look better. It was kinda plain grey with a pop of color of some bright orange but I added a little pistachio green in the mix with some creamy ivory, just because I could, and I needed a little change. So here's my FINAL fish tank forever and ever...or at least until I get a better idea... :)
I also was planning on buying this little money tree at Walmart. I have been WAITING to buy this tree. Mostly because I believe that plants (real plants) in rooms give better oxygen in the room. Which if you think about it you need oxygen in the brain to function, and also it should calm you and make you feel happier. So I went to go buy this tree which is super cute, Ive been waiting a month (30 day rule!!!) and I got there and SOMEONE BOUGHT MY TREE! The one tree I wanted and swore no one would get. There was another one but it had a pink pot and I wanted the white pot. I wasn't settling. (Settling just builds up junk, thats like if you settle for some shoes because yours weren't there, but you end up buying the shoes you wanted anyway later down the road and now you have some backups....I don't do junk, thats why I am selling all my stuff!) Anyway...away from my ranting, I thought of different plans, weighing my options (I know right...for a stupid tree) I thought about getting a cactus which sounds ronchy but theyre actually really nice and the one I liked wasn't spiky.I tught about just buying seeds and trying to grow my own plant.Then I found this plant that I loved and I remember getting when I was a little girl and had my own garden. Its a green leafy plan with pink spots on it. Its a great plant! I recommend it because the one I planted when I was little still is alive. Anyway I bought this tiny plant and bought a tiny little pot and planted it. Its a great indoor plant as well as outdoor and doesn't need as much attention as flowers do.

I still miss my tree and I am still upset someone bought it, but its another little bridge I crossed and hopefully will get over without some grimlin getting me! Heres my plant!

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