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Friday, June 3, 2011

Things I Miss...Old and New

Today I decided to write about things that I miss, old things and newer things that have arrived in my life. This whole first year of college was a real eye opener for me and growing up, things I was leaving behind in order to make room for new things and new memories. I miss a lot of things from my past that has changed so much lately. For one, I miss my family. Sometimes when people grow older families start to drift apart from one another, and this isn't my family's case, it's just mine. I feel like I am the only one out of the five of us that is 3 hours away (which I am) but they do so much without me, I get left out a lot, way more than I have ever wanted. I feel like I never get to spend time with my sisters like I used too, and really no one can take memories back. I am greatful I get to see them from time to time, but change is just not my thing, i am too emotional for that stuff. :)

I miss my boyfriend. They say love conquers all and it is so true. I tried long distance relationships before and they just didn't work, but when you are honestly, truly, in love without a'll work. People say that when you have found the right one you can feel it, you just know. And I think I have met enough guys to finally be happy with my last one. I have been with him my whole freshman year 24/7 and it is a big switch from seeing him everyday and planning out every second with eachother and taking every class we could just so we could see each other to a couple phone calls a day. I treasure those phone calls like I have never spoke to Chad. I miss him so much and could never ask for anyone better. He's my prince...Like it or not.

I miss being young and naive. I hate the fact that I grew up haha. In a way I am VERY still naive but omethings I wish I just didn't know. I like not knowing things, I feel like I don't have to know everything to make myself happy. The reason I am so happy at work (I am a very happy person at work btw) is because I can be and I forget about things that go on in the world. I act like a kid with my coworker Kylie lol and we have a blast and we make others happy because we are happy. Smart little happy= others happy.

I don't miss anything about highschool.

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