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Monday, June 27, 2011

My Day in Pictures.

One of my fellow blog mate (Brandie Finnegan) did a blog about her day and they were with pictures and it gave me the idea to do it too! It also gave me reasons to do more productive stuff to do today that way my blog wouldn't be boring....but it will be because my day got cut short due to homework : ( So here you go!

First thing I woke up too. MANOLO! Erin is in Alabama so Mom and I are watching him and he gets the honor of sleeping with me!

Me after I got all ready for the day!

I took Nolo out for his morning pee! Woooo exciting!!! lol I saw this little flower trying to bloom, so I snapped a picture!

I wrote my blog that I actually wrote yesterday while I was at work

Foster helping with Laundry :)
Me and the best kitty EVERRRRR... hes not very photogenic
I made some mac and cheese and it tasted soooo nasty hahaha

I took a picture of this lovely flower in my front yard :)

I went to go get my mail today! Thats my car :)

I got stopped by flowers! I love taking pictures of them as you can see

this one is my favorite!

Finally got the mail!

Suprisingly I got a check with my name on it!! Hopefully I can use that to my books next semester!
Painted my nails :)

And toes!

Dragon Davis while I was cleaning out his tank!

After I cleaned his tank I decided to take him outside for a photoshoot!


You can't really see him, but this us! I decided to take a picture of my one and only pet for now...

I was trying to get a picture of how cloudy it was, but it didnt show up. Literally after I took this itd raining which sucked so I had to go inside.

This was the song I listened too all day! I love lil wayne!

This is my blog for today. I made dinner and took pictures but they got deleted. So now I am off to do homeword, One of the main things that I do now. 


  1. Thanks for sharing your day :) Keep up the blogging..I like reading it!!

  2. I didn't know Dragon Davis was still alive! haha I liked this post. I may copy you. :)
